Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.

Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.

Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.

Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.

A video of students and teachers painting a banner for an action demanding MPS become a Sanctuary District.

Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.

Volunteers paint a banner for immigrant rights.
Organizer Elliott Majors holds a finished banner.

Screen printing T-Shirts for immigrant rights.
Members of the Industrial Workers of the World from Montreal display a poster with an added slogan in French.
Union teachers wearing “Public Education; The Heart of Our Community” T shirts at school.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Union leaders display parachute.

4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.

4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.

4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.

4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.

4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.

A letterpress wheatpasted poster for a May Day rally in Baltimore.

A fabric banner at an action in Baltimore.

A hand painted banner supporting striking workers.

A hand painted banner supporting striking workers.
Progressive Lutherans protest Trump’s cruel immigration policies at the Milwaukee ICE office.

Progressive Lutherans protest Trump’s cruel immigration policies at the Milwaukee ICE office.
Posters on display in a Los Angeles classroom in the lead up to a strike.
Picket signs at the Los Angeles Teachers strike.

Black Rose Anarchist Federation supporting Los Angeles Teachers on strike.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.

The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.

The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.

The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.

The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.

The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.

The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.

The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.

Racine Case High School theater students perform at the annual Voces Gala.

Racine Case High School theater students perform at the annual Voces Gala.

Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.
Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.
Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.
Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.
A video of students and teachers painting a banner for an action demanding MPS become a Sanctuary District.
Milwaukee Public School students rally at the School Board to make MPS a Sanctuary District for immigrants and refugees.
Volunteers paint a banner for immigrant rights.
Organizer Elliott Majors holds a finished banner.
Screen printing T-Shirts for immigrant rights.
Members of the Industrial Workers of the World from Montreal display a poster with an added slogan in French.
Union teachers wearing “Public Education; The Heart of Our Community” T shirts at school.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Pro Public Education banners, parachutes, and screen printed picket signs are produced at an art build with Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
Union leaders display parachute.
4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.
4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.
4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.
4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.
4,000 Education Workers and supporters picket Milwaukee Public Schools Central Office to fight education cuts.
A letterpress wheatpasted poster for a May Day rally in Baltimore.
A fabric banner at an action in Baltimore.
A hand painted banner supporting striking workers.
A hand painted banner supporting striking workers.
Progressive Lutherans protest Trump’s cruel immigration policies at the Milwaukee ICE office.
Progressive Lutherans protest Trump’s cruel immigration policies at the Milwaukee ICE office.
Posters on display in a Los Angeles classroom in the lead up to a strike.
Picket signs at the Los Angeles Teachers strike.
Black Rose Anarchist Federation supporting Los Angeles Teachers on strike.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
Thousands of Wisconsin immigrant workers and supporters rally in Madison at the State Capital in support of drivers licenses for all.
The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.
The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.
The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.
The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.
The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.
The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.
The Captel Workers Union pickets Captel demanding higher wages.
Racine Case High School theater students perform at the annual Voces Gala.
Racine Case High School theater students perform at the annual Voces Gala.